Page/ Investigates Glass-To-Wall Ratios

Designers used FenestraPro to experiment with the implications of a range of glass to wall ratios while exporting data to comparatively analyze the results.

Stage: Schematic Design

Identifying Energy and Cost-Saving Opportunities

Using Frit Patterns

Key Benefits

Savings Of Several Days Worth Of Design Hours

No Reliance On Sustainability Consultants

Delivering A Sustainable Facade Solution

In Late Stages of Design


Page/ is a leading global design firm and hugely influential in design across multiple sectors. The Higher Education Team at Page/, Page/academic, provides design solutions that are particular and responsive to academic programmes and economics. From campus planning to higher education, Page/academic ranked 13 in 110 by Building Design + Construction in 2016.

The Project

As part of a campus masterplan in the northeastern part of Houston, this building had a fixed orientation. Using a single day of peak solar load, the designers efficiently experimented with a range of glass to wall ratios – from 10 % to 90% – to see the implications of their design decisions in real-time. The designers then exported the data calculations to FenestraPro Snapshots to comparatively analyse the results. In consideration of Prescriptive Energy Codes IECC-2015 and the threshold where shading becomes beneficial, FenestraPro graphically demonstrated the optimal glass-to-wall ratio per faรงade and provided detailed solutions.

Carried out by a Building Performance Analyst as part of the Higher Education design team at PageThink, this exercise using FenestraPro led to data-driven decision-making. This investigation into glass-to-wall ratio, which can often take days, was carried out in a matter of hours and informed the team of limits and opportunities of varying glazing solutions for each faรงade.

Key Features Used


Compare and Contrast
Shading Solutions

Export BIM

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FenestraPro gave us rapid and comprehensive feedback for a competition proposal that we would have otherwise not run. The ability to parametrically generate windows and shading was a huge time saver, which enabled us to demonstrate a rich level of detail within the competition deadline.

Because of FenestraProโ€™s instant feedback, we finally have a tool that works well with our performance-based design workflows, which are always iterative in nature.

Shreejay TuladharBuilding Performance Analyst at PageThink
