Improved Energy Model Workflows with FenestraPro 7 BETA

Architects and engineers experience many issues when conducting energy analysis during design and documentation within Revit.


Our BETA release of FenestraPro 7 has improved energy modelling capabilities and optimizes the facade for energy-efficiency and cost.

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Trusted by Global Leaders In Design

Why use FenestraPro 7?

FenestraPro 7 BETA incorporates an innovative new methodology for analyzing and optimizing the building faรงade. It reduces the reliance on the Revit API to create analytical spaces and surfaces in a separate viewer, allowing users to better organize and analyze spaces, surfaces, and faรงade components. Users can then apply these design decisions directly back to Revit model.

With improved controls in our separate viewer, users can select analytical spaces and surfaces to quickly display any adjacencies or envelope elements.

Improved Energy Model Analysis

Faster, simpler energy model analysis for large-scale design projects.

5 times faster than previous iterations

Removes any reliance on Revitโ€™s slow API

Provides onboarding to resolve energy model issues

Maintains direct connectivity to the original Revit model

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Design High-Performing Buildings

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