The emergence of Autodesk Forma as an early-stage design platform has presented an exciting opportunity for FenestraPro and brings us back to our roots as an early-stage design tool – those of you who use FenestraPro in the conceptual environment in Revit will know what we mean!!
We have just released our first version of the FenestraPro Envelope Analysis Extension in Forma which is currently available for free in the Forma extension marketplace. While we have released the extension with limited functionality with a view to add further functionality as we go, we started with the core function of establishing and applying Window to Wall Ratio to meet Energy Codes.
This supports Users to make informed decisions earlier, and to understand the implication of code, regulations, and guidelines regarding the building envelope in real time.
Autodesk Forma currently supports some critical “macro” analysis that provides an understanding of the impact of the building mass in its context and with implication of surrounding buildings and site conditions.
Analysis such as solar energy, daylight potential and microclimate including wind and noise paths enable designers to make fast, smart decisions that enhance sustainability outcomes. These data driven insights give a great understanding of the building’s mass in its proposed context and location, however they remain outside the building.
While Forma has recently introduced functionality to predict operational energy, the FenestraPro Envelope Analysis Extension is the first extension to deliver “micro” analysis within the modelled building itself, to give immediate feedback on the average passive solar heat gain and the design daylight factor in real time.
The central building, or buildings, in Forma are initially modelled as mass objects based on the combination of floors and spaces. The walls effectively have no thickness or properties, let alone glazing arrangements.
The FenestraPro Envelope Analysis Extension supports the user to define and apply a glass to wall ratio based on compliance with local code, which prescribes the minimum thermal performance of the envelope components (roof, floor, wall, glazing, etc.) and in some cases an overall thermal performance.
This is our Version 1 of the FenestraPro Envelope Analysis Extension in Forma, and we will be adding additional functionality over the coming weeks and months. Click the link below to let us know what you would like to see in an Envelope Analysis Extension in Forma.