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We’ve been looking at some workflows using Autodesk Forma, to get quick and meaningful analysis on existing building envelopes at an early stage in the exploration process.

For example, how does replacing the glazing to the front facade of an existing New York City office building improve thermal performance?

Using a Forma > Revit > FenestraPro workflow, we can quickly take the following steps:

  • Model the existing mass, and that of surrounding buildings, as a conceptual mass in Autodesk Forma
  • Import to Revit and apply envelope elements
  • Use FenestraPro to apply windows, and rapidly investigate glazing options.

This is a quick example, but it shows very clearly how consultants can get a quick understanding on ways to upgrade existing facades to meet current NYC codes – replacing glazing… upgrading insulation to external walls… upgrading roof systems and many more envelope upgrade strategies.


If you’d like to hear more about these workflows, or try them yourself, we’d love to hear from you!

Terry Byrne

Digital Content Manager @FenestraPro.